Monday, 28 August 2017

Soft Bodies Bleed Out.

Soft Bodies Bleed Out is the fourth and final Soft Bodies Records compilation.

Soft Bodies started in 2013 with the release of Soft Bodies Don't Bleed. Jodie and I didn't really know that many bands back then (well, good ones, at least), so half the bands on there were figments of various friends imagination. It did alright and pretty much set up the next few years. We worked with godfathers of DIY, we worked with complete unknowns. Noise, pop, drone, jazz, indie, synth weirdness...whatever. If it was interesting, we would be interested in putting it out.

We did pretty well over the last few years and it was a lot of fun, but we have limited time these days (you could probably tell as releases had dried right up) and what with increased activity with Quimper and Jodie's solo stuff it was probably a good time to put it to bed. Which brings us to Soft Bodies Bleed Out. One last compilation before we put the lights out.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Drizzle Maw/Domino

We've just reduced Drizzle Maw & Domino to £0.00. Or $0.00 if you're so inclined. I think we're going for a pay-what-you-want thing for anything we do that isn't physical, and seeing how we seem to have a fair few new listeners of late, I thought we'd price the older stuff to match.

Drizzle Maw is a collection of demos for an album that never ended up happening along with various other songs from the same time. I say "demos", but the songs were more or less complete (and some of them were actually complete). It's probably one of the better things we've done.

Domino is a collection of Quimper songs that were featured on various sessions, compilations and other strange places.

Here they are!

Tuesday, 8 August 2017


Bit of a gap between blog entries as we've been busy finishing up the final Soft Bodies compilation. It's entitled "Soft Bodies Bleed Out" and will feature various people who have (or would have) either been on or around the label at various points in the past and now non-future. It should be interesting.

In other news, Wake Up Gastone has turned out to be one of the more popular things (relatively speaking, of course) we've done in awhile. And that's despite not releasing a video, a promotional campaign which was a shrug of the shoulders and a "meh" and a very much last minute release. Thanks TONS to anyone who listened, helped spread the word or generally gave a damn. Even *more* thanks to anyone who bought a copy.

The next EP is about 3/4 finished, should be ready towards the end of the month though if Soft Bodies Bleed Out ends up coming out then, we may delay it a bit so we don't drown you in Quimper songs. We're planning a new video but we quite fancy doing something a bit more involved than just another music video. That'll probably be ready when it's ready, but should be worth the wait.

We have also found a bunch of videos we did for our live shows a few years back. We (well, Jodie mostly) did videos for each song that were projected as we played, and considering most of our audience isn't even in the same country as us, let alone city, not a great deal of people have seen them. Hope to do something with them at some point as well. Think there's even a couple of songs that never made it to an EP...

That's about it for now. I shall leave you all with the inevitable plug for our latest EP. Ta!