Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Skeleton Moon

Jodie's third solo album is now both out and about. Digital download from Bandcamp, check it out below. Glacial ambience that's strangely calming whilst retaining a good healthy undertone of something not being quite right.

20 tracks. Pay-what-you-want.

If you like it, do please tell people about it. There is no better way to be heard these day than to self replicate digitally through the internet until you pupate and explode through people's faces. Alternatively, you can just retweet it or something. Either or.

Probably not any new Quimper until next year. I mean between the EPs and Jodie's album it's probably enough to be getting on with. I know I mentioned doing a sort of "annual" of tracks that didn't make the EPs, but we're a bit bored of them now and they probably were left off for a reason. If, by some miracle, we find ourselves to be the next Haircut 100 or Fast Food Rockers or something and record labels are clamouring 20 years hence to reissue our back catalogue until we are a dry husk, we shall at least have some bonus tracks.

(there is a very nice alternative version of Thin Theatre I should put up at some point though)


Friday, 24 November 2017

Spool Truffles

Well hello there.

First of all, a massive THANK YOU to all that bought/downloaded/wrote about/generally gave a damn about Little Legs For Little Eggs. We would still be here if you were not, but you make the whole thing much more fun. ACCEPT OUR KIND REGARDS.

The wayward sprint of Thomas Egg is not over yet. There is news. News of egg. News of the new year. More when our hirsute utopian associates are ready to reveal themselves

Here are some reviews/things about the EP







Jodie's long awaited third solo album, that's what. Possibly as soon as this weekend.

Speaking of Jodie, she's recently done the cover art for Night Heron's new album, which you can listen to below. If you like the Cleaners/wistful psych tinged indie, it's worth checking out.

And I think that's about it for now. As always, you can find our music below. Bye-bye!