Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Werdwolfen - Phantom Circuit Halloween Special

And lo, Werdwolfen did stumble forth from the pit once more, undulating horror emanating from every damned pore as it came closer, ever closer to the light.

Or something.

Sometimes, only sometimes mind, we are Werdwolfen. This is one of those times. We have recorded a new session of EIGHT new tracks (don't worry, they're short) for the latest Halloween special on Phantom Circuit. Have a listen below, and seeing how we have quite a few more listeners lately, below *that* I'll try and explain what exactly Werdwolfen is.

Werdwolfen is stupidity, basically. The idea was always to write and record songs as quickly as possible, preferably whilst drunk. Back in 2010, Jodie, our friend Holly and myself recorded a Christmas album, which was never really released properly, I just put a zip file on a blog I used to write. It was a somewhat chaotic affair which I think ended up with me smacking myself over the head with a Roses tin for percussion at one point. For some reason, a few hundred people downloaded it, and it sort of fell into obscure "what the fuck was that?" territory to be vaguely remembered by a handful of people. One of which was the host of Phantom Circuit, who played a few songs back in 2010 and was such a glutton for punishment he invited us back to record a couple of sessions since.

There aren't currently any Werdwolfen albums or EPs to download/buy. Which is probably for the best for all concerned. If you do have a burning need for Werdwolfen in your life, check out the Phantom Circuit archives for sessions and songs.

Sunday, 15 October 2017



We are Quimper. Quimper are mostly Jodie Lowther and John Vertigen. Jodie tends to do most of our artwork, videos/animation and singing. John tends to do most of the music. Though we swap around when we feel like it.

Strange claustrophobic little songs about strange claustrophobic little things, mostly. We've released various musical*things* over the past five years, mostly via the recently departed record label we used to run (Soft Bodies Records). You can find all of our music on Bandcamp (quimper.bandcamp.com) and our videos on Youtube (www.youtube.com/user/Quimpervideos)

The Associates, John Osborne, Wim Mertens, Severed Heads, John Smith, Broadcast, Pierre et Gilles, Martin Dupont, Legendary Pink Dots, Sandie Shaw, KPM, Bruno Schulz, David Lynch and lots of other bits & bobs.


Because it really used to annoy people. And more recently because it's fun.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Little Legs For Little Eggs

Eggs with legs! Little ones! It might be they take longer to get to where they need to go but they'll get there in the end.

Little Legs For Little Legs is the third in our series of EPs. Or singles. Is four tracks an extended play? I suppose it doesn't really matter these days. Four new songs! All recorded in the last two or three months. It's a bit different from the last couple and fans of our more "pop" material aren't going to find another j-pop-smash-hit-in-a-parallel-world banger here (well, sort of), but I hope you find something you like. It's probably our favourite of the three so far. It is pay-what-you-want, so you can download for now or if you're feeling generous, you can throw us a couple of quid. We like money. We can do terrible things with it.

You can hear the EP here. Artwork is by Jodie.

Future Happenings

A few of you may know our work under the guise of Werdwolfen. Something new will be happening under this name very, very soon. As soon as later this month, come to think of it.

Not sure when the next EP will be. Possibly something before Christmas, but we always do a shameless Christmas cash-in so there's that to think about. Expect activity, anyway.

Gigs. We want to play live! We want to escape and live. We're still working out exactly how to do this. Some of you might have seen us when were were all projectors and panic. It was alright when it worked, but this time we need to do more of a show. We'll keep the panic though, that was fun.

As always, thank you very much for your support. This year has probably been the most fun we've had with Quimper since we've started. And we've only just started...yes, we've technically been around a few years now, but y'know, little legs for little eggs. We'll get there in the end.

