Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Werdwolfen - Phantom Circuit Halloween Special

And lo, Werdwolfen did stumble forth from the pit once more, undulating horror emanating from every damned pore as it came closer, ever closer to the light.

Or something.

Sometimes, only sometimes mind, we are Werdwolfen. This is one of those times. We have recorded a new session of EIGHT new tracks (don't worry, they're short) for the latest Halloween special on Phantom Circuit. Have a listen below, and seeing how we have quite a few more listeners lately, below *that* I'll try and explain what exactly Werdwolfen is.

Werdwolfen is stupidity, basically. The idea was always to write and record songs as quickly as possible, preferably whilst drunk. Back in 2010, Jodie, our friend Holly and myself recorded a Christmas album, which was never really released properly, I just put a zip file on a blog I used to write. It was a somewhat chaotic affair which I think ended up with me smacking myself over the head with a Roses tin for percussion at one point. For some reason, a few hundred people downloaded it, and it sort of fell into obscure "what the fuck was that?" territory to be vaguely remembered by a handful of people. One of which was the host of Phantom Circuit, who played a few songs back in 2010 and was such a glutton for punishment he invited us back to record a couple of sessions since.

There aren't currently any Werdwolfen albums or EPs to download/buy. Which is probably for the best for all concerned. If you do have a burning need for Werdwolfen in your life, check out the Phantom Circuit archives for sessions and songs.

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